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Fetch the "first in a group by"

Martin Kirchgessner, 2019-11-05

Tags : data  postgres  in_english 

The problem

Let's say I have Documents in PostgreSQL, that among other great content include a folder_id and a date.

How do I fetch (only) the most recent document from each folder ?

In SQL, this is possible by turning folders into windows (also called partitions). The big difference with GROUP BY is that the engine keeps (and returns, by default) all concerned rows. It just changes their order, to distinguish groups and maybe order within each group.

Some functions are designed to work on these windows: it's a powerful tool better explained and illustrated by the Postgres Tutorial. In the following I'll assume you know what they do.

Explaining this to SQLAlchemy

To filter rows in a group, GROUP BY can be used with a HAVING clause. But there's not equivalent for window functions. With window functions, we can only filter results from a sub-query. So this sub-query will compute partitions, and return each document's rank in the partition ; then top query will only have to keep rows ranking first.

This is where it gets complicated with SQLAlchemy: in the top query we just want to fetch Documents, but we need a way to describe that the complete Document comes from the sub-query. My first and intuitive attempt created a self-join on my documents table. Instead, we have to use SQLAlchemy aliases.

We firstly have to detail the window function and its grouping/ordering ; this function is added to the sub-query's selected columns, and made available by two SQLQlchemy tricks:

rownb = sa.func.row_number().over(order_by=Document.date.desc(), partition_by=Document.folder_id)
rownb = rownb.label('rownb')

subq = session.query(Document, rownb) # add interesting filters here

# we need these two lines to match Document columns in subq, and to filter by rownb
subq = subq.subquery(name="subq", with_labels=True)
q = session.query(sa.orm.aliased(Document, alias=subq)).filter(subq.c.rownb == 1)

Hope this helps !